Modular Radio
Couldn’t resist modeling another asset, in this case a modular radio equipment for the future environment.Still a work in progress, the next thing will uv’s and textures.
Flip Clock
Another small asset for the future environment, I really like the aesthetics of this vintage flip clocks.
Magnifying lamp
Whatching the tv show “The Silo” I noticed this vintage magnifying lamp and I decided to add it to the list of assets that I’m planing on doing.
Starting something new
Not sure what I’m doing or where I’m going. For the moment I’ll start making some assets just for fun and see where it takes me. I’m starting with a fluorescent light : )
Final Render
Done! The scene is finished! : D It has been really fun to work on this scene, I learned a lot of new things during the process. In this final stage I added some more details, like a unused LCD screen on top of the manual, with the plastic film protection on it : ), […]
Disk Organizer
Adding some more detail to the scene, today it was a disk organizer full of disks, updated cables and some paper clips.
New lighting
Small update this time, I added a new lighting, and also I added some headphones plugged into the computer.
Manual and switches
The scene is getting bigger : ) Added the manual book, together with the unfinished PCB witht some switches. I still have to work on the LCD screen for the PCB. Also I adjusted the position of the camera and the lighting of the scene.
PCB Update
Small update on the PCB, some of the components are already done. Also the battery case with a couple of batteries in it.
Just started with the PCB, it was a little bit time-consuming drawing all the traces, but it will be worth it. Next thing is to model the elements that are going to be part of the PCB (resistors, chips, connector for the screen, AAA batteries, and keyboard switches)
LCD Panel test
I’m planing on working on a pcb model, that will include a LCD panel, this is just an early test 🙂
AFK Update 0.1
I decided to create a small scene with the computer and other assets.For the moment I’m just improvising, my idea is to create a messy table full of gadgets, and details to learn new techniques and software. I added the lamp (still not finished, needs dust and maybe more detail on the texture). I’m learning […]
Starting something new.
I recently started modeling a computer, here you have some renders of the iteration process.